Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Why don't we care?

It’s the question that keeps coming back to me. That persistent voice telling me that something is wrong. Sometimes I try to silence the nagging. But it doesn’t help for long; in fact, it makes things worse. Maybe some of my perceptions are wrong, but I have to ask honest questions.

I read about human beings dying for lack of food and water while we consume more than we need, and I wonder.

I read about human trafficking. Humans dying of AIDS. Innocent victims caught in crossfire.

I see pictures of orphans, starving for nourishment and even more for love, and I wonder.

I drive or walk through my own town, and the question resurfaces. So many faces without joy. So many lives without hope. So many people bound by Satan. So many innocent children, suffering. Right here. Where I live.

I wonder.

Why don’t we give more out of our abundance?

Why don’t we wrestle in prayer against the strongholds of darkness?

Why do we feel justified in our hoarding of physical and spiritual blessings?

How can we consider our pleasure more important than people who are dying and going to hell?

Are we too comfortable to be disturbed?

Do we know what it means to be Christ’s hands and feet?

And the question I have been avoiding for too long. Why am I so selfish??

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