Sunday, August 2, 2009

a little child shall lead them

It is impossible to capture a week of VBS in a blog post. I am all at once grateful, excited, challenged, sad, and heartbroken for so many who don't know God. Oh, and exhausted. There are a lot of things I could write, but for now, I just want to share a song that one of my students, a 5-year-old girl, made up and gave to me on a piece of paper Friday night. (Her mom wrote it down for her.) This girl doesn't come from a Christian home; her dad told me he practices all religions because he doesn't know which one is right. I was so touched by this song...things like this make the week more than worthwhile.

God made the sun.

God made the trees.

God made you.

God made me.

God made the day.

God made the animals.

God made the spring.

God made our family.

God's going to give us a new life.


  1. OH, Rosanne! That song... so much hope, belief, and trust!

    You've cast Bread on the waters; God says it will not return to Him empty.

    Love you, girl!

  2. WOW!! I know just how you feel. We just had a week of VBS as well. There are so many sad, hurting children out there that need our love! I was a teacher for the 4-5 year olds and they are so sincere and innocent. Now is the time when we need to be reaching out to them! Good job, Rosie!! Way 2 go!
