Sunday, June 28, 2009

Loving Jesus

"Open our eyes, Lord, we want to see Jesus, to reach out and touch Him, and say that we love Him..."

As I contemplated the beautiful words, I was suddenly startled to realize what I was singing. The words that came to me were, "Inasmuch as you have done it to the least of these my brothers, you have done it to me."

Wait a minute, I thought, I was singing about Jesus! Jesus is the One I love, and of course I long to see Him more clearly, to know Him more intimately. But...Jesus as "the least of these?" I'm not so sure about that.

What if "to reach out and touch Him" could mean getting my hands dirty? Allowing God to break my heart for those He loves, and I tend not to? (Or don't want to because I will get hurt.) The fatherless, the abused, those who have made lousy choices that have taken them miserable places (that I don't want to enter).

John Smucker's sermon this morning, entitled "The Test of Heaven," resurfaced these thoughts in my mind. He preached from Matthew 25: 31-46 where Jesus at the final judgment declares to the righteous, "As you did it to the least of these my brothers, you did it to me," and to the unrighteous, "As you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to me."

Of course, I do not have to know people like these...the poor, the prisoner, the sick or anyone else whom I often consider unworthy of my time. I can smile at the people I see in town and consider my Christian duty accomplished. But the fact is, it's not.

As John Smucker said, "Every person is uniquely and individually precious to God." This is why I am asking God to open my heart to those He loves, to give me grace even to seek out those whom He seeks.

You and I have a choice. We can choose not to concern ourselves with the least. Or, we can choose to know more clearly the heartbeat of our precious Savior, and enter into the Kingdom He has prepared for us.

Another quote yet from John Smucker; I can’t promise this is verbatim, but it was to this effect: “In for any community or church to survive, it must care about the needs of its own members and about the needs of the culture around it.”

Grant us, Jesus, the desire to truly see You and express our love for You.

1 comment:

  1. Wow!! You have just encouraged and convicted me by your last post. Thank you for leaving such beautiful words and a meaningful message!!
