Sunday, January 4, 2009

The Answer

Empty eyes filled with longing
Empty hearts filled with sorrow
Empty lives filled with pain
Empty people dreading tomorrow

Thirsty eyes, always seeking
Thirsty hearts, never satisfied
Thirsty lives looking for love
Thirsty people needing purified

Hurting eyes filled with anger
Hurting hearts deep inside
Hurting lives, broken and trampled
Hurting people full of pride—

Empty, thirsty, hurting people,
Turn your eyes to a darkened hill
Where the King of Heaven suffers
Bring your sin here, and be still.

See the anguish in His eyes
See the thorns that pierce His brow
All this blood He shed for you
Longing, hoping to heal you now—
Behold, the Lamb of God!

Now come see the empty tomb!
See the One who conquered death
Receive from Him Eternal Life
Return to Him who gave you breath

Joyful eyes shining bright
Joyful hearts with songs of love
Joyful lives, healed and hopeful
Joyful people looking above

R.J.S., 2006


  1. Hi Roseanne! Thank you so much for visiting my really is an encouragement to find other sisters in Christ. Did you write this poem? It's beautiful!
    Take care,

  2. Thanks, Sara! Yes, I did write it.
